Annie (12 sur 70).jpg

wife | mother of brothers | teacher | simple San Francisco Living

Hi! I’m Annie! My husband & I raise our two boys, an orange tabby, and a praying mantis (pandemic pet anyone?) in beautiful San Francisco. I’m a public school teacher and I love my job, my school, and my students. I enjoy setting up my classroom every year and making it into a space where my students can feel welcomed, calm, and motivated to learn.

My husband and I hope to surround our boys with love, happiness and encouragement so they have the confidence to reach their goals. We strive to raise compassionate and passionate boys. Boys who will be pushed to explore, run wild, and get dirty - to be encouraged to be curious, ask questions and play.

Join me here, as I share my journey and (mis)adventures in motherhood, some DIY and design ideas, and our quest for Mandarin language & learning in our home.