Fall Back

Fall Back

There are many methods of preparing our little ones for the change in time. With my first son, I tried to push forward … or was it push back his schedule in increments of 5-10 minutes? I can’t really remember from the fog of parenthood. I do remember feeling like I had to abide by the “rules” or the entire household would fall apart and all my “hard work” of sleep training would be moot. I remember feeling stressed and worried, afraid of failure.

With my second son, I learned to just do the best that I can, and that a few minutes here and there won’t really make or break the night.

My husband and I hardly uttered the phrase “sleep training” with our second baby, we just looked for the cues of sleep and went along for the ride. Cruz slept through the night ONCE when he was about 6 months old and didn’t do it again until after his 1st birthday.

So what did we do during the night with multiple wake ups? My husband or I would get up and warm a bottle for the baby. We figured that a 10-minute interruption was easier to get over than “training” the baby to sleep when he wasn’t quite ready.

Babies & Beaches

Babies & Beaches

hello darling

hello darling