Up Up & Away, Cruz is TWO today!

Up Up & Away, Cruz is TWO today!

Well, he’s technically grounded due to being in quarantine.

What an incredible time right now that we’re all experiencing and practicing some form of self-quarantine during a global pandemic.

As I write this, San Francisco was ordered to shelter-in-place since March 13th. That was the last time I was in my classroom, the last time I’ve seen my students, and the last time I’ve been in the presence of my colleagues. Since March 13th, 2020, I’ve been at home with my husband, my cat, and of course, my sons.

It was incredibly scary and hard in the beginning, with all of the uncertainty and fear I would see on the news and online. But day by day, my family slowly adjusted to this new way of living - by staying indoors and practicing social distancing whenever we’re out.

What’s helped a lot to ease the fear and kept me in a positive state of mind, has been the little celebrations and milestones along the way.

On April 28th, my littlest baby turned 2.


world map - gathre
basket - pottery barn
tote & snack pack - state bags
layered crepe cake - mom’s last-minute kitchen chaos because she forgot to get a cake

Mandarin Immersion - Background & Luka

Mandarin Immersion - Background & Luka

Backyard Egg Hunt

Backyard Egg Hunt