STEM Toys - Picasso Tiles

STEM Toys - Picasso Tiles


STEM- Learning that encourages children to ask questions and explore different possible outcomes. There are many variations to STEM learning, including STEAM (A: Art), and STREAM (R: Reading).

With quarantine going on for 3 months, I was so thrilled when the kind people at The STEM Kidz reached out and asked if Kai and Cruz would like to explore and play with some of their products. Browsing their extensive collection, I thought that the boys would really enjoy the Picasso Tiles. Their website made it really easy to select toys based on age! Picasso tiles are not new to me per se (I’ve had my eyes on them for a while now), so it was serendipitous that they would arrive on our doorsteps!

The boys were thrilled to unbox the toys and without giving them any prompts or directions, they immediately started to call out the different shapes and colors. Kai (3) had a better idea of how to play with them since his preschool has them, while Cruz (2) spent a good amount of time trying to figure out the magical force of magnets. After 20 minutes or so of uninterrupted exploring, Kai wanted to know if he can bring out the train set and I was so happy to see that he would incorporate the Picasso Tiles with another toy. And of course, with most siblings, whatever the older one does, the younger is sure to follow.

The Picasso Tiles have been played with every single day since!


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