Batman Birthday Bash

Batman Birthday Bash

My goodness! I can’t believe I have a 4-year-old! I remember the hazy days of babywearing and strolling Kai when he was an infant, and strangers would tell David and me to “cherish it” because it would go by so fast. We’d always respond with, “really? Because we’re really tired and everything seems to be in slow motion.” What’s the famous saying? “The nights are long but the years are fast.”

Wow, to be able to relive those moments again would be such a dream. I surely do miss the hazy baby days now. The sweet smell of their neck, their delicate touch, and those adorable coos and gurgles. But, we simply cannot pause time. Our children will grow. Sweet Kai turned 4 and he has been so enamored with Batman, that a Batman birthday bash was called for!

For the design, I decided on a modern color scheme- with black and white as anchor colors. To tie in the comic book aspect, I used simple wooden homes as the cityscape for Gotham. Keeping the colors monochromatic really brought it together and actually made sourcing the decor really easy. For a touch of whimsy, I made a quick mask & cape for beloved monkey rattle. This little guy has been with Kai since day one!

Young Wild and Three Birthday

Young Wild and Three Birthday

Bunk Bed for the Butch Boys

Bunk Bed for the Butch Boys